Monday, May 18, 2015

Ep5: PIS & Southern Warriors Talk Candidly w/Paulina Johnson, Achieving...

COMING UP On Nashville Broadcasting Network/ ROKU THIS COMING WEEK &
on CHITV/Comcast Cable Chichi Stylxz)–Michigan THIS SATURDAY @ 3PM ET.
Now all over Michigan in ONE MILLION HOMES! Part 1: Princess Fumi
Stephanie Hancock & Her Southern Warrior Sister Tribe Talk Candidly
with Ms Paulina Johnson, Author of Achieving Against All Odds.  HOSTS:
Marlas Triplett Sells, Dawn T Totty, Laura Dodd, Maxine Holt Donaldson,
& Dr. Princess Fumi S Hancock, RN, DNP.
On this episode:
Out How Paulina Johnson overcame, homelessness, pregnancy at age 16,
poverty, and abuse to become a successful asset in her community.