Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Big Thank You to All~

 Tonight, I choose to thank all of my friends, both online & offline for your support... your love and your care. In particular, those who have taken The Adventures of Jewel Cardwell to the fore-front of Fiction (my fellow authors, bloggers, reviewers). 
 Thank you. 

Tonight, I also celebrate the milestone achieved by The Princess in Suburbia TV, an online TV Programming I started a while back: http://www.youtube.com/user/PrincessinSuburbia because I wanted people to know me intimately. We hit over 1 million viewers today. So humbled by everyone's support. 

In celebration, my Young Adult Fantasy Book... goes on sale for 99c from Midnight 2/20/2013 to till 2/27/2012... One whole week! http://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Jewel-Cardwell-Nest-AUTHORS-ebook/dp/B009S5UCOM/

I urge you to get your copy, if you haven't.
This is certainly an example of Let' Go Innovate, a Conference Venture my partner, Yolanda Conley Shields and I are excited about... Pls check out at: http://www.facebook.com/letsgoinnovate and BE READY FOR OUR CONFERENCE in April, 2013!

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