Episode.14-Part 1: In their unique style (loads of laughter), Princess in Suburbia Fumi Hancock & Yolanda Shields Share Tips on Taking Back Your Vision...
SOFT WARNING: You may break out in laughter! So, watch out... Hello everyone, few months back Yolanda Shields and I (Fumi Hancock) decided to tape a short episode in preparation for our Let's Go Innovate Conference. Back then, we had anticipate doing the conference in April; hence the mention of April on the tape you are about to watch...IF YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING US, you know that our conference is fast approaching on MAY 25, 2013 @ Hotel Preston Nashville, TN. Be there....
The Princess in Suburbia, Fumi Hancock author of the Amazon Teens-Horror Bestseller, The Adventures of Jewel Cardwell: Hydra's Nest and her girlfriend, Yolanda Shields, co-owners of "Let's Go Innovate" turn on some spicy discussions on Let's Go Innovate.... how to take back your vision.
They encourage viewers to move to the next level with their vision.... This episode is not lacking their usual fun and laughter either....
ANNOUNCEMENT: Let's Go Innovate May 25, 2013 Conference (7:30am - 5pm) cst
Title: Take Back Your Vision
Place, Hotel Preston - Nashville Tennessee
For details: www.letsgoinnovate.com
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