Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Deadliest weapon ever used on Mankind~ FUMI HANCOCK, Amazon Bestseller

Something to think about today. Hope it blesses you:              

The DEADLIEST WEAPON ever used on MANKIND lies within! I woke up this morning and in my quiet time, I asked this pivotal question: What separates SUCCESSFUL & THRIVING PEOPLE from THOSE WHO ARE NOT? My conclusion..... ACTIONS! ACTIONS! ACTIONS or lack thereof!

In everything you do today, put your actions where your mouths have readily gone. Success does not jump on you... just because you say you want it. How many times have you told yourself, I am going to do this?.... How many times have you made promises that you have broken?  Could all of these unfulfilled promises to yourself and others be the hindrance in your way? PROCRASTINATION IS A COSTLY DISEASE and A ROBBER OF DREAMS. But it is only activated by YOU! It breathes because you give it air in your lives.

SOLUTION: Clean up your closets today! Be gracious to yourself! It is your calculated intentions....deliberate actions.... commitment to your visions.... dedication to your course.... keeping your promises to yourselves and others.... your trustworthiness in doing what you say you will do and act accordingly....

These are actions of AUTHENTIC WINNERS AT LIFE.
Registration for Let's Go Innovate ~ TAKE BACK YOUR VISION MAY 25, 2013~ REMINDER: REGISTER TODAY at: www.letsgoinnovate.com - President, Let's Go Innovate & Amazon Bestseller (The Adventures of Jewel Cardwell: HYDRA'S NEST - http://www.amazon.com/Fumi-Hancock/e/B009BHBI6S)~ Dr. Fumi Hancock.

We look forward to seeing you there....

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